
My name is Zonasha Creary or Coach Z as my clients call me. I am a mother, an entrepreneur, and I am an IT professional with 15 years in the field. However, I have been spiritually directed to what I enjoy doing the most, and as such I am now a Certified Health Coach. I am here to help you get in the best shape of your life, mentally and physically. I am confident that I can help you to achieve your goals. Coach Z just wants you to "show up" because that's the first step!

I understand all that you are experiencing with your body: raising children, climbing the career ladder, cooking, cleaning, carving time with friends and families, and not to mention, your significant other. It is a lot to accomplish and still find time to focus on yourself. What if I tell you that I can help? I have been where you are, so I know. I have taken time to focus on the total me, and after two years, I am in the best shape of my life and loving it! Coach Z is here to help and you can see dramatic results in as little as 12 weeks. I want you to be the "best you" and become the Bosslady of not just your job BUT your Body! This program is a life changing experience and I am on this journey with you. I am truly blessed to have this opportunity to coach you to a healthy and happy you!  

Lets Get to Know each other!


Ayana M. from Ft Lauderdale FL
Before coaching with Zona, I struggled with discipline. I always began my steppingstones for goal completions but through the process I would either give up or just forget about it.
Coach Zona has taught me that it is ok to have downfalls. Once you can get over that hump of mistakes, tomorrow is always a new chance for a start over.

What I love most about coaching with Zona is I was able to dig deep into my soul during our weekly sessions and express how I really feel without judgement. I loved the fact I was able to acknowledge when I had challenges and Coach Zona would help me get through it. The most important part for me was having someone by my side through it all. 

Dianne from Washington
Before coaching with Zona, I was challenged in staying the same weight for over 20 years, then she taught me so many new ways to change by taking small action steps. For example; Who am I when I eat? If I’m stressed then my body is not in the body burning fat mode, it does quite the opposite, it will store the excess...Today I move more because I love what I do and I’m much healthier. By having a coach to guide me through the path of change has been a game changer. Now when I have a challenge in any area of my life, I know the value of working with a coach who can help teach me how to seek out my desires in life, create new habits and behaviors.

What I most love about my coach, Zona is how she made me feel each week. A strong lady with endless compassion, passion and dedication while coaching me. She has given me the confidence to believe in myself because she believes in me. Her honesty, each week she has taught me how to become the best I can be. Best of all she was there with me each step of the way, cheering me on and creating a safe space to talk. Plus we had a lot of fun! Priceless!